Receive email with PHP

ProxiedMail provides an API to create email address and receive any incoming messages straight to your application within the simple composer package.


Watch the tutorial

How it works

Sign up for ProxiedMail
You need to sign up in order to obtain API key. It's free to receive incoming emails into your applications within the some limits.
Install composer library
Install composer package into your PHP application.
Now you can code the integration. You can create new email and receive the any incoming messages just by calling certain methods in our application.
Try it for free

Live code example

View on GitHub

Here in this example you can see how to receive sent email to your API. The program will print email address created to receive your email message.

Webhook STATUS:
Received: no

Then, just send the email to the printed address. When app receive your message, it will print the following:

Webhook STATUS:
Received: yes
      "Content-Type":"multipart\/alternative; boundary=\"000000000000714564060f56f6c2\"",
      "Date":"Sat, 20 Jan 2024 02:00:25 +0000",
      "From":"Alex Yatsenko ",
      "Subject":"hey mate",
      "X-Received":"Received details",
hey hey<\/div>\r\n", "body-plain":"hey hey\r\n", "domain":"", "from":"Alex Alex ", "message-headers":"HEADERS JSON....", "recipient":"", "sender":"", "signature":"....", "stripped-html":"
hey hey<\/div>\n", "stripped-text":"hey hey", "subject":"hey mate", "timestamp":"1705716046", "token":"..." }, "attachments":[ ], "recipient":{ "address":"" }, "receivedAt":"Sat Jan 20 2024 02:00:46 GMT+0000", "user":{ "id":"1B3AAA43-11-0000-cc", "username":"", "token":"Bearer ...." } }

The code to execute is the following

To run the example above just create folder, install lib there via composer and put it to the file (t.php), then run:

php t.php

Please see more on GitHub or docs

Receive emails, review callback processing logs

Start receiving emails via webhooks/callbacks to your system. We will send you all information about your email including attachments and headers.


Add custom domains

Receive webhooks on emails sent to your custom domain if you able to set up MX records for it.


Check out our documentation to know how to build your app in a proper way.


Let us help you. Explain your problem and we will contact you to solve it.
Email Address
Thank you! We'll contact you soon
Our managers will contact you via email to solve the problem.