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From: Christian Leader Update <>
Date: Fri, Oct 11, 2024 at 3:31 PM
Subject: The Leadership Reputation Roadblock
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Christian Leader Update

Is Your Reputation a Stumbling Block?

Here’s the hard truth: Caring too much about our reputation as leaders is absolute bondage. We can invest inordinate amounts of time in propping up our reputations, ensuring nobody feels ill toward us, and trying to squash any rumor or bad report. And we can do this believing this has nothing to do with our pride. Such is the deception that underlies this idea of reputation.


What Does the Bible Say about Work?

It can be such a challenge to head to work on Monday. After a refreshing weekend, we walk back into the office—or log onto yet another Zoom call—and helplessly watch as our frustration and weariness return. Tension with our coworkers, along with stress and fatigue, can be so draining. And many believers wrestle with purposelessness, feeling like their career path isn't making a difference for God's kingdom.


Wisdom and Discernment

Nehemiah created a habit of seeking wisdom and discernment in his leadership. He intentionally prayed to God for guidance at the outset and continually sought wisdom and discernment throughout his work. His example shows the importance of seeking wisdom and discernment before we begin something as leaders and as we lead daily.


Sharpening Your Generational, Relational Ax in Your Workplace

What could happen in the workplace if Christians in business had a generational, relational ax to sharpen instead of one to grind? Have you ever tried dicing veggies, filleting a fish, or carving a Thanksgiving turkey with a kitchen tool that is as dull as a butter knife? Doesn't work too well does it? It may get the job done but not without extra time, energy, and much mess and mutilation involved! This is a great word picture of how many approach the generational challenges that exist in the workplace.


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